Woman’s Lib = Man’s Freedom
A man goes to see his mistress and, because of the day he’s had, has the temerity to complain about bourgeois women and how he hates them and their values. The mistress, a clever and beautiful Russian,...
View ArticleBelle de Jour? “Unzipped” lifts the lid
As Belle de Jour goes public, the author of ‘Unzipped’ (available on this site) lifts the lid on his world. Portcullis House is the ultra-modern building of MP’s offices next to Pugin’s nineteenth...
View ArticleGuide to EU+ Rules on Prostitution
Libertarians believe that people should know when they are breaking the law, particularly when the law is ambiguous, vague, unclear or widely flouted. What follows is a quick guide to the varying laws...
View ArticleFidelity, Infidelity and Psychology
Is fidelity natural? There are those who would say that of course it is natural. There are of course, those who would argue to the contrary. For men, the minimum cost for reproduction is very low. All...
View ArticleCafe Con Piernas. A Chilean Cultural Experience.
We march through the business district of Santiago de Chile. 6 English guys. The mood is somewhat apprehensive. What we are about to do is something generally reserved for drunken behaviour at 3am....
View ArticleDe-criminalisation of prostitution is the right policy
Fresh ESRC Research shows the 2009 UK government policy plans on prostitution were ill-conceived and based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the activity. What follows is an edited version of the...
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